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Tell us your story: Bravery (Industry)

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Elliot


Last year whilst on duty in Walthamstow East London, the crew of a G4S van were brutally set upon by armed robbers whilst replenishing an ATM machine. In a sustained and violent attack one crew member was shot in his right leg three times and dragged along the ground by the robbers during the attack.  The other crew member was threatened with both his and his colleague’s lives to open the ATM, the gun was fired again at this crew member but missed him. Despite the terrible onslaught of threats and physical violence they were able to contact the police and describe the getaway vehicle and secure the premises.


The 2018 SaferCash Bravery Award was awarded to Mr Stanley Edwards and Mr Fifi Koomson of G4S.

The security industry can sometimes be a dangerous place for those working within it. It is important that we recognise acts of bravery which uphold the values of British security, no matter the situation.


We want you to #TellUsYourStoryBSA to promote acts of bravery that deserve recognition. Nominations for BSA 2020 are open.

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