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Innovative Security Project

A project is all about converting the desires and vision of the customer into reality and delivering results for the customer, stakeholders and the wider community. This award recognises projects that represent a first for the industry, for a particular market or a new application for an existing security solution. Nominations should demonstrate how the project as a whole represents innovation, emphasis of which should be on the application of security products and services rather than the capabilities of a particular product or service.

The achievements must have taken place between 30 November 2018 and 31 December 2019 inclusive. This form must be completed and returned by 1 May 2020, including any supporting documents


Innovative Security Project

This award recognises projects that represent a first for the industry, for a particular market or a new application for an existing security solution.

Entries open on open on 11 January 2022 and close on 7 April 2022 and all finalists will be announced on 4 May 2022.


Best of luck!

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